Look at the proud father with his two sons. Ethan is on the left and Andrew on the right. They can finally wear newborn size clothes. The preemie clothes were too short, however, the newborn clothes are usually too big around.

Ethan sure loves to make faces. This look like a grin but we're not sure if its a true "social smile." We'll just have to wait and see.

Great-grandma, June Zumstein, sure loves the boys. She is so patient and loves to sing and tell them stories. We spent a pleasant evening at Grandpa and Grandma Crawford's dock though it was a bit warm.

Several have asked about how the boys sleep. Here is an example of nap time in the pack-n-play. Just a minute before this picture, Andrew (on left) had his arm across Ethan's chest. They sleep in the same crib but we do roll up a blanket to create a buffer between flailing arms. They appear to be used to hearing each other cry so it doesn't wake one if the other is crying.