Wednesday, September 19, 2007

4th Month

Here are two of the best close ups of first Ethan and then Andrew. Ethan has darker skin and hair while Andrew has some blond hair. Andrew has become the more talkative of the two. He giggles and coos a lot while Ethan is a bit more selective when he makes his happy noises.

This month has brought quite a few changes. They like to play with toys. Though they try to reach for an item, they haven't mastered eye-hand coordination. They have learned that the toy makes a noise if they hit or kick it. They can finally control a part of their world. There is a video at the bottom of this post of Ethan in the bouncy seat. He can grasp the rings and make the bird spin. One thing has stayed the same, Andrew's favorite thing is still the ceiling fan. It doesn't matter if its still or moving.

The boys met Uncle Mark & Aunt Apryle & their cousin Madelynn for the first time this month. Ethan can't quite understand why Maddy likes the swimming pool. It's too cold! Andrew disliked it even more than Ethan. We'll just have to wait for next summer to try swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's place.

Visiting the TN Aquarium was quite an adventure. The twins were awake and fascinated by the displays, of course it probably was with the lights and not the fish.

It sure takes longer to get from car to building and we need to take breaks for eating and diaper changes. Thanks family for being patient as you wait for us. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Labor Day Week

Today we went to see Grandma and Grandpa's apartment for the first time. We napped on their floor and then had picture time with Mr. Purdy. I'm sure it won't be long before they want to ride on Mr. Purdy's back. Andrew is on the left.

Grandpa Dewayne sure has his hands full. Ethan is on the left.

Today Ethan slept through the night for the first time. Yippee! Andrew has been doing that since he was 9 weeks old and finally Ethan decided he could do it too. Ethan is modeling next years swim trunks. He has a bit of growing to do before next summer.

Enjoy this video of the boys playing. Andrew especially loves to lay on the floor and pretend he's running. Ethan usually prefers the bouncy seat.

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