Monday, January 21, 2008

Andrew is 8 months old

Today Andrew is 8 months old. He is 17 pounds, 2 ounces and 28 1/4 inches long. This morning I noticed that he is cutting his first tooth and he is definitely showing the typical symptoms. In the past couple days he has also learned how to sit without assistance and now enjoys standing.

He is attached to his pacifier and teddy blanket. Some say he is a mama's boy and of course, he does resembles me. In the second picture, he is watching a Baby Einstein video that is teaching them some basic sign language and is laughing at the puppets.

Andrew loves to giggle. He is easy going, patient, and loves to cuddle. I describe him as my textbook baby. The video will let you hear his laugh as he "pets" Sara, the McCoy's cat. How could anyone not laugh with him?
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Ethan is 8 months old

Ethan is 8 months old today, January 21. He weighs a bit more than 17 pounds and is 29 inches long. He has one tooth and a small amount of light brown hair.

He wears 6-9 month clothing which probably will be too tight before the next month is through. Now that he can sit and stand well, laying down is too boring.

He still prefers not to lay on his stomach so no signs of crawling. While he's sitting, he reaches for objects that are just outside his reach. Ethan's favorite activity is bouncing on a knee or the big green ball.

He is more dexterous than Andrew and can pick up small objects. His arms are often held straight out as shown in the last picture. He does this even while we feed him.
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Aunt Lisa visits

We had the pleasure of Aunt Lisa visiting us from Colorado. I enjoyed helping her celebrate her birthday at the Tea House.

She taught the boys about bouncing or "ride the pony." It is now a very common activity in this house.
The boys are a lot more interactive and about 11 pounds heavier than the last time she held them.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Meal Time

Here's Mama feeding the boys on 1/3/08 and Andrew (on the right) is telling her to hurry up! It takes skill to keep two little mouths full.

Ethan is trying some baby banana puffs for the first time. They are supposed to dissolve in their mouths. The texture was quite a surprise as you can see. Just after this video, Ethan gagged and threw up all his food. Guess we'll have to wait on the puffs for a while.
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

8th Month part 1

Andrew and Ethan love to eat anything we give them. They even beg for our food. Ethan is quite a neat eater, especially in comparison to Andrew. Andrew has peaches up to his eyebrow because he blows bubbles with the food. Oh what a mess! Not one of my favorite things.

Ethan is cutting his first tooth today, December 30. It is on the bottom left and is a sharp little thing. Lots of drool and chewing but not too much crankiness. Ethan's development is jumping ahead of Andrew. He loves to stand and is sitting on his own with a bit of help from time to time. This opens up a new world for him. The old toys are interesting again from this vantage point.

Andrew is trying to ride the big truck but can't reach the ground with his feet. Oh well, the truck can park and wait for a few more inches.

We enjoyed a visit from Great Granny and Grandpa Zumstein on the second. They wanted to show Granny all their tricks. They show great pride in their accomplishments, Andrew when he rolls over and Ethan when he stands.

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Christmas with McCoys and Walters

Yes the Santa suits are cute but they are just too hot. Andrew sure was intent on ripping the paper to shreds. He still grabs a hold of things with a fist but is discovering that he can touch things with open palm.

Ethan preffered this bag over the toys and books that he received. The handles made for a good chew toy and he could get in it too. Papa sure is patient and creative with the boys. He is good at explaining all the little things that I take for granted like water coming out of the faucet.

Andrew loves to cuddle with Nana. But watch out! He'll grab your face or hair.

Christmas day we visited Aunt Lezlee and Uncle Dale's house to have pizza with the Walters. They are growing so fast but they have a long way to go to fit into a big boy recliner. Ethan sure enjoyed the teething biscuit that Aunt Lezlee found for him. What a yummy though slurpy mess!
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Christmas portraits

I thought you might enjoy some of these photos. Ethan sure likes to stand. The next three photos Ethan is on the left. Enjoy!

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