Our current schedule is get up at 7:15am and they drink some milk while we sit on the couch and have worship. We all eat breakfast together, if Daddy doesn't have an 8am appointment. We play, run errands, and wish we could go for a walk (it's been too cold or rainy for two weeks now). Lunch is about 11:30am and then the boys take a nap for 2-3 hours. During nap time I clean up the kitchen, plan meals, work on the computer and from time to time take a nap too. The rest of the afternoon is for playing or errands. At least once a week we go visit Daddy's office to see him, along with Grandma and Grandpa Crawford. Supper is at 6pm followed by bath and bedtime by 8pm.
Here are some great things about Andrew. Andrew loves to say boo and gives great hugs. He is very fun to play with and has a great laugh. Yesterday he was eating a corn dog and would hand it back between each bite to have us dip it in more ketchup. He is picky about his food and would prefer that it was in a bowl rather than directly on his tray. Yogurt "gogurt" is one of his favorite foods along with sweet potato fries, ice cream and graham crackers. Andrew is a great mimic. A soon as I start putting on chapstick, he rubs his lips together than gives a big smack at the end.
Ethan is still an engineer at heart. He take things apart as carefully as he can and wants to know how everything works. He loves to climb and does things repeatedly until he has mastered it. When he is excited, he has very expressive facial expressions and often kicks his feet like yesterday while seeing animals at the zoo. When greeting someone he says "hi. hi, hi, hi, hi, hi" until it is returned. One time is not enough. If I let him wander around the van, he immediately heads for the drivers seat and wants to hold the steering wheel and push all the buttons. He is also very fascinated with cell phones. He can play for at least 10 minutes with a phone and not notice what is going on around him. Nana is so kind and lets him play with her phone.