Ethan's hair has finally grown enough to need a trim in the back and sides. So far the top hasn't been cut.
Ethan's most noticeable achievement this past month is the rapidly growing vocabulary. The video at the end of this post shows some of the words he knows from the breakfast table. He can say so many things that it seems like he learns a couple new words each day. He has very clear diction and will practice a word over and over again until he has mastered it.
He can tell you all about animals and their sounds, foods, household items, musical instruments (thanks to Baby Einsteins "Meet the Orchestra") and some vehicles like bus, truck, tractor, car. We're working on numbers and colors and peoples names.
Ethan has a great love for books and wants to read the same book at least three times. His favorite stories are "Baby Moses" from My Bible Friends and "The Little Engine that Could."
Ethan likes to climb and explore. He still is careful as he tries new things so I don't worry that he'll be hurt. He thinks things through and is persistent until he figures out how it works or if he can fit through the small space. Every once in a while I hear "stuck" and I have to rescue him.
End of School 2019 and Summer Activities
5 years ago