Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ethan is 21 months

Ethan's hair has finally grown enough to need a trim in the back and sides. So far the top hasn't been cut.

Ethan's most noticeable achievement this past month is the rapidly growing vocabulary. The video at the end of this post shows some of the words he knows from the breakfast table. He can say so many things that it seems like he learns a couple new words each day. He has very clear diction and will practice a word over and over again until he has mastered it.

He can tell you all about animals and their sounds, foods, household items, musical instruments (thanks to Baby Einsteins "Meet the Orchestra") and some vehicles like bus, truck, tractor, car. We're working on numbers and colors and peoples names.

Ethan has a great love for books and wants to read the same book at least three times. His favorite stories are "Baby Moses" from My Bible Friends and "The Little Engine that Could."

Ethan likes to climb and explore. He still is careful as he tries new things so I don't worry that he'll be hurt. He thinks things through and is persistent until he figures out how it works or if he can fit through the small space. Every once in a while I hear "stuck" and I have to rescue him.
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Andrew is 21 months

Andrew is a sweet little boy. He loves to give hugs and will say "awww" as he puts his head in toward whatever he is hugging. Andrew always says "hi" and "bye bye" even to strangers. He likes to wear hats. Sometimes his hats are plastic bowls, blankets and even shoe boxes.

Andrew is a master runner and is now experimenting with climbing down the stairs going forward. He even tries to walk around the house with a blanket over his face so sometimes he bumps into furniture or walls but I think it is interesting to see that he wants to try something difficult.

Andrew is still a picky eater at times but he usually enjoys a banana every morning. We go to Sam's Club twice a week for banana and other supplies. We have fun at Sam's because they can both ride in the shopping cart. Sometimes we even buy a slice of cheese pizza to eat at the store.

Just recently Andrew's speech is becoming easier to understand. He is saying things with one syllable like bus, truck, juice, gogurt (aka yogurt), cheese, and Jesus. He loves to read but I don't think he has a favorite story. He likes all the My Bible Friends books and asks for the "tool" book at nap time.
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Monday, February 02, 2009

20 Months

This month has gone by quickly in some ways and slowly in others. The weather has been too cold or wet to go out for walks or play at a playground. We try to find things inside to keep us occupied or stretch our errands out to one a day.
Andrew loves stickers. They have to go on his face and can last there most of the day. I have found that I have gone into a store and had a sticker on my face too. :)

The bubbles are fascinating for two reasons, watching the bubbles pop and for Ethan "how does the bubble machine work?" David is holding Ethan getting him ready to "1, 2, 3, fly!!" up into the air. The next picture shows the boys visiting Nana at her office admiring pictures of themselves on her computer. They love looking at pictures of themselves, family and especially animals on the computer. The new word for Ethan visiting daddy at work is "office". He sounds so cute saying it, almost like a British accent. :) They love to visit daddy's office and run up and down the halls and around the chairs in the conference room.