After many years David and I succeeded in becoming pregnant in October 2006 with the help of IVF. We discovered that we were expecting multiples. How many was the big question. The answer seemed to change with each doctors scan during the first trimester. We went from three to four (two fraternal and two identical) and then finally down to fraternal twins.
I loved being pregnant and felt quite well except for swelling during the third trimester. One of the benefit of multiples is that we had an ultrasound at least every month and toward the end it was every other week. We already have a photo album full of just scans of baby A and baby B.
We enjoyed reading from a daily journal book that explained what was developing each day from brain and spine all the way to finger and toe prints. The pregnancy ended at 34 weeks and 5 days because I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. The babies weren't in any danger so Dr. Brown decided Monday, May 21, 2007 that I was to go directly from his office to the hospital.
More pictures and stories to come soon.
End of School 2019 and Summer Activities
5 years ago