We visited David's office to wish Grandma Crawford a happy birthday. Here's Andrew and mama. Doesn't he look like me? We have the same eyes, cheeks, skin and ears.

The boys are now in separate cribs. Ethan is on the left hanging onto the side of his crib. I believe they miss being in the same crib because first thing each morning they don't take their eyes off of each other. We were fortunate to find a matching bedding set at a consignment sale. It is an earlier version of the set we were given at our shower.

Ethan on left. They have moved to the next size of clothing, 6-9 months. It seems like the change happens overnight. All of a sudden the pants are too short and the shirts won't snap. This time it was a sleeper that caused the wardrobe change-over. I noticed that Andrew couldn't pull his feet to his mouth because his sleeper was
stretched too tight.