Nine months have already past since we first met Andrew and Ethan (on left). They have their 9 month check up tomorrow. If you double click on the picture to view it larger, you can see Ethan's two bottom teeth. As of 2/21/08 Andrew weighs 17 1/2 pounds and is 27 1/2 inches long. Ethan weighs 18 pounds and is 28 inches long.

Ethan (on left) and Andrew both love to look in the mirror and touch their reflection. Peek-a-boo games are a great way to hear some giggles. Each night before bed I let them touch the mirror and then it's time to get in their crib. They play with some toys for a few minutes and then its lights out. I'm so thankful for all the great advice I have received about teaching them to sleep. They do very well.

Ethan has started to pull up on things. If I sit him in the right spot in his crib, he can stand up. The mattress will be lowered soon. Though he isn't crawling yet, it could happen any day now. He easily rolls over one time but hasn't discovered he can keep going. He has three teeth now and more following quickly.

Andrew's two bottom teeth have arrived which has brought a few cranky and needy days. He is such a darling boy. His laugh is very contagious. What a joy it is to see how simple things can make him laugh.