Yes this is three sets of twin boys that are 8 months old! We attended a "droolers and crawler" playdate for moms of multiples with babies less than one year. What fun! Two sets of twins, 10 months old, also attended. What a comfort to visit with other moms that are going through the same things we are. I benefit greatly from being a part of the Moms of Multiples Club,

Ethan and Andrew have a couple new firsts... The swings at Imagination Station in Collegedale are a big hit. Andrew giggles and giggles. I dare anyone that sees him not to laugh along with him. Unfortunately, it is difficult to hear Andrew on the video clip posted at the end of this blog.

Another first on January 28, 2008 is the boys tried finger foods for the first time. I stripped them down to diapers and let them try to eat smashed ripe bananas. Andrew couldn't get it in his mouth but loved eating it out of the mesh bag. Ethan is agile enough to eat it but then promptly gagged from the texture. Ethan did not like eating the banana out of the mesh bag. I'll try another food in the bag and see if he will suck it out.