Tuesday, June 24, 2008

13th Month

This has been a great month. They are now 13 months old and remain about the same size. They weigh 22 pounds and are about 30 inches long. They wear 12-18 months clothes. Andrew wears a size 4 shoe, though not for long, and Ethan a size 4 1/2 shoe. Andrew has 6 teeth and Ethan has 7.

They have a daily schedule that is fairly predictable. They wake up at 7am and eat breakfast; a bottle of milk, oatmeal and fruit, half a banana and maybe some protein like stripples. Weekdays, we leave at 8:05am to drive to Collegedale and walk the Greenway with friends for an hour. When we arrive home it is morning nap time which lasts until about 11:30. Lunch begins between 11:30 and noon with milk, protein, and vegetables. They really like to feed themselves so I try to make half of the food finger friendly. We play until they are sleepy, sometime between 1-2pm. This is the longer nap which often lasts for 1 1/2 hours. The rest of the day is for running errands and playtime. They snack on juice and cereal about 4pm and then have dinner at 6pm. Dinner is milk, fruit, bread, and either yogurt or cottage cheese. The bed time routine is a bath (3 days a week), brush their teeth, change into pajamas, read a story or two though we always end with "Lullaby Little One" and into the crib before 8pm.

What cool dudes! They don't like to wear hats or sun glasses. The sunglasses have velcro straps to help keep them on. They love to go outside and explore. They are even content to be strapped into the stroller as long as we are outside.
Ethan is an accomplished crawler. He can go under and over obstacles. He can also crawl up the stairs. He is the pickier eater of the two and sometimes only rejects the food because we are feeding him. He likes his independence. He loves books. He reads to himself in his crib and sits quietly as we read to him. He even helps turn the pages.

Andrew continues to love water, especially running water. He will sit in the the pool until he is purple and shivering. He eats almost anything. When he doesn't like something, he doesn't put up a big fuss but just lets it fall out of his mouth. He has been crawling for a month now and still looks like a frog since his knees are not quite under him. Andrew is picking up more hand signals and gives more verbal cues. He has begun to sign a few words though currently they aren't right all the time.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Posing Twins

How do you get two little ones to look at the camera at the same time? It's usually luck or someone is getting their attention to make them laugh. I took six pictures and never got a shot with both of them looking at me. I like the camera we have excect at photo ops like this, I notice the slow shutter speed.
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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Andrew loves water fountains

As soon as Andrew sees a water fountain he wants to touch it. If he isn't allowed to play in it he'll voice his displeasure. This time we let him play for almost 15 minutes. Andrew liked to block the spout and make the water spray. It was hard to detach his fingers at the end even though he was starting to shiver. I had a hard time picking a favorite picture but what do you think of this one? What cute baby feet. Look closely and you'll see the water soaked line in his clothes. He wasn't allowed inside until he changed all of his clothes.

We enjoyed a great afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I hope you enjoy these photos from May 10.

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Ethan's expressions

Here are some great expressions from Ethan.

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Andrew is 1 year old

Andrew put his fingers in the frosting almost as soon as his birthday cake was within reach but was slow to start eating. With a small amount of encouragement he started to dig in. I think one of his favorite parts was squishing the cool whip frosting between his fingers.

What joy! He removed his birthday hat so quickly we don't have a great picture with it on. We'll be working on keeping a hat on this summer since we don't want him to experience another sun burn.

Andrew enjoyed play time with the little kitten that moves, playing in the blocks, and kicking the ball to mommy. He loves to play with Papa. They have such fun together. After playtime we went home for a much needed nap. The boys were tired but enjoyed the day with family.
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Ethan is 1 year old

Ethan and Andrew share a birthday with Great Gpa Louis Zumstein, so they shared a party too. We had enjoyed a great day at the Crawford dock starting with cake followed by lunch and opening presents.

Ethan touched his cake but wasn't sure about putting the food into his mouth. At home, he eats food with this fingers but only items that aren't messy. Aunt Lezlee helped him to his first taste of cake with a spoon. It only took a few bites and then...

Ethan had fun smearing it on the flower and then later licked it off. Grandma's cake, confetti cake and jam filling with cool whip frosting was very good.

Grandpa made a play pen for the boys and covered the wood deck with moving blankets so it is safe for the boys to explore. I don't know why Ethan is squishing his face into the ball but he was having fun. Maybe it's the sugar high.
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