Ethan and Andrew share a birthday with Great Gpa Louis Zumstein, so they shared a party too. We had enjoyed a great day at the Crawford dock starting with cake followed by lunch and opening presents.

Ethan touched his cake but wasn't sure about putting the food into his mouth. At home, he eats food with this fingers but only items that aren't messy. Aunt Lezlee helped him to his first taste of cake with a spoon. It only took a few bites and then...

Ethan had fun smearing it on the flower and then later licked it off. Grandma's cake, confetti cake and jam filling with cool whip frosting was very good.

Grandpa made a play pen for the boys and covered the wood deck with moving blankets so it is safe for the boys to explore. I don't know why Ethan is squishing his face into the ball but he was having fun. Maybe it's the sugar high.