Often people gave us the dire warning "just wait until they are moving!". Well mobility has definitely arrived. I've enjoyed this period of increased mobility. I prefer it over the infant stage where all there is to do is eat, sleep, and change diapers. God is so good. He has given us two wonderful boys to care for. Each boy has a distinct personality and talents.

Ethan is climbing now. When we go upstairs it is often a race to see who can make it to the top the fastest. Ethan usually wins. Ethan can now stand unassisted. However, he hasn't moved to a standing position from the middle of the floor so I can't claim he is standing yet.

We have some fun new activities. When Daddy is available, we can swim in the hot tub (98 degrees). They can stand on the seats and love to splash. Andrew is a water boy. He would like to stay in the tub or pool longer than I let him. Another favorite activity is crawling through the tunnels. The package said for ages 4 and up but it sure has been a hit around our house for two 1 year olds.

Putting objects on our heads is still a source of much laughter. I think the first time we heard Andrew belly laugh was back in January when Papa put a sock on Ethan's head. Here's some perspective on how large babies heads are compared to their bodies. The boys arms are now long enough that their fingers can meet over the tops of their heads. It's hard to put things on your head when your arms are short.
Check out these up close and personal photos. When Ethan sees a camera, he comes over to see what the photos look like. What a curious boy! Andrew, well he was recovering from having his toe nails forcibly clipped.