On December 6 we went downtown to watch the Chattanooga Holiday Parade. We left the boys bundled up in the stroller so they stayed warm and we didn't have to worry about them running into the street. They liked the big tow trucks and the people dressed like animals the best. After the parade ended we decided to stop for a treat at Rembrandt's. David and Mindi enjoyed hot chocolate and coconut macaroons while Andrew and Ethan drank warm apple cider.
The following weekend we had two events on Saturday. First, a Christmas Cantata at the University church. The boys were impressed with the musicians and choir but quickly got tired of having to sit still and were also intimidated by such a large crowd. Next we helped host our Sabbath School Christmas Party at the church. We enjoyed a dinner, gift exchange and time chatting with friends. During the party Ethan fell out of a chair and busted his lower lip pretty good. It bled for a short while and he recovered quickly. Wow that boy is tough!
Ethan loves toys that have moving parts. Here he is closing and opening the back gate. As they learn something they want to do it over and over and over again. A lesson for us adults would be to keep learning new things, and when we do, we should keep practicing until we master it.
Andrew loves the Christmas bells. He takes them off the tree and shakes them and sometimes even puts them back on the tree when he is done.