They have grown in height, Ethan is over 34 inches and Andrew is 33 inches. Andrew is 28 pounds and Ethan is 27 pounds. They still have a ways to go before they can fill Daddy's shoes.

Words continue to increase. Ethan is trying to copy my sentences in particular when he asks for something. For example he attempts to say "May I please have more juice" though I only understand the first and last word.
Andrew can now say two word phrases like "diaper wet" and "cat gone". He is very polite and says "thank you" often. In this picture he is asking where the cat has gone. It is fun to go to the grocery store/Sam's club and quiz them on the food or other items in the store. They know so many words I would guess it's close to 500 words.
After taking an assessment for 24 months old, they are both ahead of the curve in development. They run well, kick and throw balls, stack blocks and megablocks, scribble with a crayon and use utensils with some success.
We read before nap and bedtime and they would love for us to read "again" and "again." It's crowded in our reading chair now. I'm not sure where I'll read when they are too tall that I can't see over their heads.
We read before nap and bedtime and they would love for us to read "again" and "again." It's crowded in our reading chair now. I'm not sure where I'll read when they are too tall that I can't see over their heads.