Andrew and Ethan are almost 6 months old. Time is going by quickly. They are at a stage right now that is very fun yet still slow paced. Andrew loves to be held during his naps. This first picture shows how I was able to transfer him to the boppy to continue sleeping after Ethan woke up and wanted to eat. They want to help hold their bottle though they are more hindrance than help.

They love to grin, giggle and interact with adults and children. Since, they can't move around on their own, they go where I want them to. I know this will change soon so I'm enjoying the peace right now. Andrew is on the left.

Andrew still likes to use his feet a lot of the time and discovered yesterday that he can hold onto his feet with his hands. They like the toys that play music or light up when they touch them. Early efforts to control their surroundings.

I go walking almost every morning in Collegedale with a few other moms. Andrew is on the left again. Now that it has turned cold, I have to bundle up the boys with hats and gloves (socks on the hands) and then put a big blanket over them. They are toasty warm so they sleep during most of the walk. I'm thankful that I can move the infant car seats to the stroller and don't have to wake them up to strap them in the stroller. I hope they will fit in these carriers until their first birthday.
I'm adding a video of Andrew's babbles and bubbles. Enjoy.