Andrew and Ethan have been around for 6 months now. They are approximately 16 pounds and love to sit up with support and roll side to side though not completely over yet. They are becoming bored with their old toys so I have to work harder to entertain them. Andrew, pictured first, still loves his pacifier and can't sleep without it.

The highchair is a new experience for them. They have both spent a small amount of time in it watching me in the kitchen in preparation for their first food on Thanksgiving day. This is such an animated picture of Ethan.

Now that they weigh more, baths have moved from the shower to the tub. Ethan, in the brown towel, seems to really enjoy it and splashes with his feet. Andrew didn't like getting his face wet in the shower so is still a bit timid about baths in the tub. I hope he will quickly learn to feel comfortable in water. Thats all for now. My next post will have pictures of their first rice cereal.