Each week seems to bring a new development. Andrew is saying more consonant sounds and is beginning to pull up. He also waves hello and makes clapping movements. He has begun to show a temper when he doesn't get his way. He often wants to stand and if I don't hold him up he'll scream, arch his back and kick. Where did my patient, sweet boy go!

Ethan is very accomplished at standing and pulling up. He is starting to cruise between furniture pieces and I can see his courage grow daily. He picks things up with a pincher grasp and can be very gentle. I gave him a piece of grass and he carefully picked it up and inspected it from all angles.

This toy, LeapStart Learning Gym from Leap Frog, is their favorite. It is sturdy enough for Ethan to pull up on and they can both play at the same time. It plays music in one mode and the other teaches them words, numbers and hello in five different languages. They both love to dance when they hear music.

Spring is here. Flowers are blooming and there is a lot of rain. We tried to go for a walk around the neighborhood but unfortunately Andrew would not leave his hat on. Since it was 1pm we had to postpone it until later in the day when there is less risk of sunburn. Andrew has already had one sunburn so I am very careful that he is protected. Fortunately, they can now wear baby sunscreen.