It is fun to explore new things such as pots, wooden spoons, the water fountain, the feel of cement and rocks, and listen to the birds. They have started eating some new foods, hot dogs, bread, cottage cheese and seem to love it all. That is after the initial facial contortions as they figure out if it's edible.

The mothers of multiples had a consignment sale last weekend and we stocked up on clothes, toys and equipment. I started to worry how much we were spending when we counted 57 items. Fortunately the total was very reasonable and we were thrilled with our purchases. I sold things at the sale too, however, we did spend more than I made.

It sure is difficult to take a picture when they are both paying attention and smiling. Thank goodness for digital cameras. The video shows typical behavior for new things. Andrew takes his time to look at everything and then will give his reaction. Ethan jumps right in to feel and taste anything close by.