Andrew's special achievements include speaking one syllable words more clearly though it is still hard to understand him without momma to interpret. Andrew is extremely loving as well as quick tempered. He loves dogs and to slide down the small slides on his own. He loves to help so will be helpful in getting dressed, will put things in the trash, and put an item away.
Ethan's special achievements are greatly in his speech development. He is easy to understand and has started to use two or three word sentences. He now says, "I do it", "hold it", any two syllable word like "swimming", "dizzy", "wiggle". He will say a new word over and over until he has it right and laughs. The most astounding thing is his numbers. Thanks to staying on the 11th floor and watching the elevator numbers light up Ethan now say numbers 1-11 without prompting.
The boys have a love of instruments and music, greatly attributed to watching Baby Einstein and Little Einstein DVDs. I bought them a baby grand piano at a consignment sale that has two 1/2 octaves as well as some pre-programed sounds like beats, demo music, and some animal sounds. Ethan prefers to start the demo music and dance while Andrew will use a couple fingers to play his own music and then maybe add a disco beat as filler. Sometimes it seems like noise but overall I love that piano. They both have learned to turn it off when they are finished playing though sometimes it takes a reminder. I wish the video showed Andrew's playing more but I had to pick one to post. Enjoy!