We drove up Lookout Mountain to the Lula Lakes Land Trust thanks to a suggestion from Angela Harebottle. With perfect spring weather, our walking shoes, BOB our all-terrain stroller, and great company; we set off on a 1 mile hike to see the Lula falls.

Andrew and Ethan had to stay in BOB most of the time so we could make better time. We did let them walk the last section once we passed the point where there would be no vehicles. They enjoyed seeing the small waterfalls probably more than the large waterfall. But that could be because we let them stand in the mist of the falling water and they thought this was very funny.
The boys loved to run and enjoyed the challenge of uneven paths. However, it didn't seem to take long for the pace to slow down and the number of stumbles to increase. This told me it was time to let the boys ride in BOB again so we could make it back to the cars before 5 p.m. when the land trust was scheduled to close. I had to take a video of the complaining that took place as David buckled the seat belts. Make sure your volume isn't on high.