Wednesday, April 23, 2008

11th Month Andrew loves water

Andrew loves the water from baths, to water bottles, hot tub, and fountain. Every time we go outside, he wants to play in our little fountain. He carefully drinks water from the cap of the water bottle.

The hot tub was a new experience. What fun it is to splash. Thankfully we can always change clothes.

Andrew's head shape is showing some improvement. It will take a while for the back of his head to round out but we are confident that it will continue to improve. Teething is a problem right now. Andrew had a three teeth ready to break through. Ethan's front two on top are also coming in. Symptoms include low grade fever, clingy, lack of appetite. Unpleasantness that we'll forget as time passes.

Mama and Andrew ready for church.
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11th Month Ethan Crawls

Ethan and Andrew have not been mobile except for some scooting on their belly or rolling over a couple times to reach something. On Sunday, April 20, Ethan crawled with his belly off the ground! How exciting, he crawled and then moved from crawling into a sitting position . I'll post the video once I receive it from Nana.

Ethan's makes the funniest faces especially when he is concentrating. He tries to pull up on everything and is learning that somethings are not heavy enough to support his weight. If he falls or bonks his head he rarely cries. He gets up and tries again.

Ethan is holding the popping walker that enticed him to crawl across the floor. Tired Andrew watched from Papa's lap.
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11th Month Firsts

There are several first this month. They successfully drank from a spill proof cup. However, you can't see that the front of their shirts are soaked. They suck from the straw well but a lot of water falls out of their mouth. Learning to eat and drink can be so messy. New foods include tofu, spaghetti, whole peas and rice. The tofu was the biggest hit but they seem to like all new foods after the first hesitant taste.

Another first is sleeping over at Nana and Papa's house as a birthday present for mama. They probably slept better than I did. They enjoyed breakfast in the big bed and playing on the swing set. David and I enjoyed a few hours without children by going out for breakfast (table for two) and I had my hair cut.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

11th Month Part 2

It is fun to explore new things such as pots, wooden spoons, the water fountain, the feel of cement and rocks, and listen to the birds. They have started eating some new foods, hot dogs, bread, cottage cheese and seem to love it all. That is after the initial facial contortions as they figure out if it's edible.

The mothers of multiples had a consignment sale last weekend and we stocked up on clothes, toys and equipment. I started to worry how much we were spending when we counted 57 items. Fortunately the total was very reasonable and we were thrilled with our purchases. I sold things at the sale too, however, we did spend more than I made.

It sure is difficult to take a picture when they are both paying attention and smiling. Thank goodness for digital cameras. The video shows typical behavior for new things. Andrew takes his time to look at everything and then will give his reaction. Ethan jumps right in to feel and taste anything close by.
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11th Month Part 1

Each week seems to bring a new development. Andrew is saying more consonant sounds and is beginning to pull up. He also waves hello and makes clapping movements. He has begun to show a temper when he doesn't get his way. He often wants to stand and if I don't hold him up he'll scream, arch his back and kick. Where did my patient, sweet boy go!

Ethan is very accomplished at standing and pulling up. He is starting to cruise between furniture pieces and I can see his courage grow daily. He picks things up with a pincher grasp and can be very gentle. I gave him a piece of grass and he carefully picked it up and inspected it from all angles.

This toy, LeapStart Learning Gym from Leap Frog, is their favorite. It is sturdy enough for Ethan to pull up on and they can both play at the same time. It plays music in one mode and the other teaches them words, numbers and hello in five different languages. They both love to dance when they hear music.

Spring is here. Flowers are blooming and there is a lot of rain. We tried to go for a walk around the neighborhood but unfortunately Andrew would not leave his hat on. Since it was 1pm we had to postpone it until later in the day when there is less risk of sunburn. Andrew has already had one sunburn so I am very careful that he is protected. Fortunately, they can now wear baby sunscreen.
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Easter Eggs

March 23 was Easter Sunday. We enjoyed a Easter egg hunt and supper with church friends at the Whitmills house. The boys enjoyed rattling the eggs and being outdoors. They were both clingy today. They wanted one of their parents within reach or would cry.

Ethan had to taste everything he could put his hands on. Here he is scrapping a carrot and eating small little pieces that his teeth break off. I took it away when he started breaking off bigger pieces. He thinks carrots may be candy.

I didn't hear the total count of kids that attended, but you can see that our church is growing.

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