Tuesday, April 21, 2009

23rd Month

We've already had a lot of activity this month which we posted earlier; visiting the Knoxville Zoo and hiking to a waterfall. One of the other favorite activities include Easter egg hunting, we called it treasure hunting. Here is an observation about egg hunting. They can see so many detailed things but they kept walking over eggs. They could see the eggs further away better then right beside them. Eventually we held the basket for them and they started searching two handed. Thank you Diana for arranging this for us and hiding them twice. What fun!

Both boys legs and arms are growing longer and will soon catch up with their torso and head size. They look more like little boys. They have completed their 23rd month and so next month we will start counting in years and quarters instead of months. They can now both climb stairs while holding onto a hand or hand rail, kick a ball (Andrew already has some power in that right foot), stack a block tower at least 6 blocks high, eat some foods with a fork without much mess, and drink orange juice from a "McCoy" (6 ounces) cup.

Andrew's special achievements include speaking one syllable words more clearly though it is still hard to understand him without momma to interpret. Andrew is extremely loving as well as quick tempered. He loves dogs and to slide down the small slides on his own. He loves to help so will be helpful in getting dressed, will put things in the trash, and put an item away.

Ethan's special achievements are greatly in his speech development. He is easy to understand and has started to use two or three word sentences. He now says, "I do it", "hold it", any two syllable word like "swimming", "dizzy", "wiggle". He will say a new word over and over until he has it right and laughs. The most astounding thing is his numbers. Thanks to staying on the 11th floor and watching the elevator numbers light up Ethan now say numbers 1-11 without prompting.

The boys have a love of instruments and music, greatly attributed to watching Baby Einstein and Little Einstein DVDs. I bought them a baby grand piano at a consignment sale that has two 1/2 octaves as well as some pre-programed sounds like beats, demo music, and some animal sounds. Ethan prefers to start the demo music and dance while Andrew will use a couple fingers to play his own music and then maybe add a disco beat as filler. Sometimes it seems like noise but overall I love that piano. They both have learned to turn it off when they are finished playing though sometimes it takes a reminder. I wish the video showed Andrew's playing more but I had to pick one to post. Enjoy!
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Monday, April 06, 2009

Lula Lakes Land Trust

We drove up Lookout Mountain to the Lula Lakes Land Trust thanks to a suggestion from Angela Harebottle. With perfect spring weather, our walking shoes, BOB our all-terrain stroller, and great company; we set off on a 1 mile hike to see the Lula falls.
Andrew and Ethan had to stay in BOB most of the time so we could make better time. We did let them walk the last section once we passed the point where there would be no vehicles. They enjoyed seeing the small waterfalls probably more than the large waterfall. But that could be because we let them stand in the mist of the falling water and they thought this was very funny.

The boys loved to run and enjoyed the challenge of uneven paths. However, it didn't seem to take long for the pace to slow down and the number of stumbles to increase. This told me it was time to let the boys ride in BOB again so we could make it back to the cars before 5 p.m. when the land trust was scheduled to close. I had to take a video of the complaining that took place as David buckled the seat belts. Make sure your volume isn't on high.
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Knoxville Zoo

We made our first trip to the Knoxville Zoo and were blessed with perfect weather. Though we had a bit of a late start we were able to stay for over three hours. The highlight of the day had to be the camel ride. David rode with the boys on a bumpy ride that made Andrew nervous for a while. We know it made an impression on them because when we asked what animals they saw at the zoo, Ethan says "camel" first. Okay he says "Elephant" sometimes too.

We started at the Wee Play exhibit that features functions at the zoo like the ticket booth, veterinarian clinic, food preparation area, exhibit clean up and more. Andrew enjoyed running the cash register and cutting the food (using a wood knife to cut food attached with Velcro). Ethan preferred designing his own zoo and climbing in the barn loft tunnel. We had to drag them away from this great play area so we could see some live animals.

The Knoxville Zoo has a wide variety of animals though we were a bit disappointed by the activity level. Most were sleeping or very low key. Some high points were the rhinos, elephants, giraffes, gorilla (right on the other side of the glass!) and all the tunnels and caves.

I love to hear all the new words from Ethan and Andrew. Andrew's vocabulary is increasing but he is still cautious about saying new words. I don't think he likes to make mistakes and so he'll whisper the new word to practice. Two of Ethan's new words for the day were "falcon" and "tortoise."

We didn't stay to play at the Kid's Cove since it was after 2 p.m. and I was concerned about too much sun exposure. Happily the boys slept some during the drive home. What a great day learning more about God's beautiful and imaginative creation!
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