Sunday, January 03, 2010

July 2009

As I was reviewing pictures, I noticed that I have over 200 pictures from July alone. We are used to having a digital camera where you can take as many as you want and then delete (like that happens) the ones that aren't good.

We had lots of play dates, some in our backyard with the sprinkler and fort and some around town like the fountain at Coolidge park and playground at the mall.

The boys "graduated" to the next Sabbath School classroom for 2 and 3 year olds. It is pretty exciting to see what the big kids to and the favorite activities of this quarter is the trumpets and the swings.

We like going to the Chattanooga Market and looking for great local produce as well as the boys play with a train table and look at the musicians and instruments. This was dog day and the boys liked seeing and petting dogs. The cuteness of their boots got as much attention from others as did the dogs.
I like this picture of Ethan playing in Papa's car. It shows how much he will need to grow before he turns 16.
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